What's the difference between copying and scanning?


Our upstairs and downstairs printers have both copying and scanning capability.

Copying will produce a paper duplicate.  It is free to DC faculty, staff, and students. Community patrons will be charged 10 cents per page.  You must ask at the circulation desk for assistance with copying, as it requires an authentication code to begin.

Scanning will create a digital copy. It is free to all library users.  You enter an email address and the machine will send a pdf copy of your scan to this email address. You may save or print the email attachment.  We highly recommend that you log into your email before leaving the building to ensure that the scan went through properly, because the machine may fail to send a very large file.  If you need assistance with this process, please ask at the circulation desk.  Or, view this FAQ on scanning:  http://askus.defiance.edu/faq/194380


  • Last Updated Aug 14, 2018
  • Views 5958
  • Answered By Lisa Crumit-Hancock

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