What does 'local circ only' mean?



“Local Circ Only,”  “Lib Use Only,” and “Non Circ” 

Defiance College is a member of Opal and OhioLINK (groups that allow libraries in Ohio to share resources.) This means that the items available at the Ohio State University, Cleveland State University, and many others are available to Defiance College students—they just have to be requested and shipped! Likewise, Pilgrim Library resources are available to patrons at other libraries.




>>To  view a tutorial about how to request an item through OhioLINK, click here <<


Certain high-usage or rare items are sometimes placed on special reserve by ours and other libraries.  Items listed in either the OhioLINK or OPAL catalogs which are labeled “Local Circ Only(Local Circulation Only), “Lib Use Only(Library Use Only) or “Non Circ(Non-Circulating) cannot be requested by patrons outside the libraries that own them, because they are on reserve for a class, or in special collections/archives.



Not all libraries mark the same resource in the same way.  Here are some examples of OhioLink items that can't be borrowed. Those you can borrow are labeled Available.




Certain items are also restricted to very short borrowing times. For example, a Defiance professor may place a copy of the textbook for a course at the library for students to check out. In order to ensure that all the students in the course have access to the book for at least a short time, the book may be designated “Local Circ Only” or “Lib Use Only.” These items are usually borrowed for anywhere from 2 hours to 1 week and may or may not be allowed to be removed from the Library premises.


The Defiance Circulation Desk worker will always inform you of how much time you have been allotted with this kind of resource, and will ask to hold your ID card at the desk while you have the item, returning it once the item is checked back in.

If you have further questions about circulating items, please contact our Circulation Coordinator Collette Knight at: knightc@defiance.edu or (419)783-2482.



  • Last Updated Aug 15, 2018
  • Views 369
  • Answered By Lisa Crumit-Hancock

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