How do I become a tutor or writing consultant?


Students who are interested in becoming a peer tutor, writing consultant, or Supplemental Instruction Leader need to meet specific qualifications and complete the SASS application process. The qualifications require a student to:

  • be currently enrolled at Defiance College with at least a cumulative 3.0 GPA
  • be able to provide proof of completion of the course for which they will be tutoring (in the case of writing consultants, they need to complete both Comp. I and Comp. II) with a letter grade of B+ or better.
  • have a sincere desire to help all students from a variety of backgrounds and academic disciplines
  • be able to listen and communicate effectively
  • be reliable, professional, and customer service oriented
  • be able to collaborate well with others
  • have a resume, completed application, and in the case of writing consultants, an academic writing sample, on file with the SASS office

The application for Writing Consultants and the Application for Tutors and SI Leaders is attached below.  A student can complete the process by turning in his or her resume and application (and academic writing sample if applicable) to the Director of Student Academic Support Services, Lisa Crumit-Hancock (room 216 of the Pilgrim Library).  The director will interview a student once his or her application is submitted. If hired, a student must complete mandatory training.   

  • Last Updated Jul 05, 2017
  • Views 73
  • Answered By Lisa Crumit-Hancock

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