How do I access library resources from off-campus?


Most of the library's resources are available to DC students, faculty and staff from off-campus.  The computer will want to verify that you are a registered student or staff in an OhioLink institution before it will let you access the resource.

From off campus, when you try to access a resource such as a database, you will be prompted to authenticate: select Defiance College as your institution. Then enter your name and library card number/ barcode number.  Your barcode number is on your staff/student ID card (notice that this is simply 80 + your ID number). 

You should then have 2 hours to access the database.  If it logs you out after two hours, just re-authenticate.

  • Last Updated Aug 14, 2018
  • Views 258
  • Answered By Lisa Crumit-Hancock

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